Loose Change 2nd Edition

  • Loose Change: 2nd Edition Recut is one hour and 29 minutes in length. The film consists of Dylan Avery narrating over photographs and news footage relating to 9/11, with an underscore of hip hop and other urban style music. Avery does not appear in the video itself, though he is shown in the bonus features.
  • Order to keep the file size manageable. The video looks a lot better. “Loose Change Second Edition” is available as a free bittorrent download, as a Google Video stream, and for purchase from the Loose Change website. The creators of Loose Change also have an internet forum where you can discuss the video and 9/11 conspiracy-related issues.

Young filmmakersDylan Avery, Korey Rowe and Jason Bermascreated the filmLoose Change,which challenges the central dogma of the official story of 9/11.Loose Changecovers a great deal of material,moving from one point to another in rapid succession.It presents a long list of claims supporting the conclusionthat 9/11 was engineered by insiders,but does so with a mixtureof strong and flawed arguments.

The film has become a phenomenonin much the same way that programs likeUnsolved Mysteries,X-Files, andThe Davinci Code have:it appeals more to emotion than intellectwith dramatic narration thattaps into the public's anger about being lied toby the media and the Bush administration.Loose Change has recruited an enthusiastic following,many of whom are vehemently opposedto even constructive criticism of the film.In contrast, the filmmakers appear to be willing listen to criticisms.This was evident at the time of this critique's creationfrom the fact that the Second Editiondropped some of the erroneous claims featured in the film's first version,such as thepod theory,and became more apparent with thethorough re-working of the film to create the Final Cut version,which corrects many of the errors and flagged by this critque.

Because of its flaws, Second Editionpresented an easy target for debunkers defending the official storythat the attack was the work of Islamic fundamentalists.One example is the the very detailed debunking of the entire video entitled9-11 Loose Change Second Edition Viewer Guide:And debunking of various 9/11 conspiracy theories.Unfortunately, many people -- perhaps a vast majority of Americans --are likely to dismiss the film's vitally important conclusionsbecause of the many errors it makes along the way.Not surprisingly,Second Editionhas been exploited by apologists for the official storyto reinforce the stereotype that has long been used toby the mainstream to media tobludgeon the 9/11 Truth Movement:that all challenges to the official story arethe product of irrational 'conspiracy theorists.'

With the departure of the Bush Administration and the arrival of an era of transparency, opportunities are arising for the disclosure of new information that may shed more light on the events that took place before and after 9/11/2001. Dramatically narrated by Daniel Sunjata, an outspoken advocate for the First Responders, Loose Change 9/11: An American Coup first examines mysterious and infamous events that reshaped world history from the Reichstag Fire in 1933 that catapulted Hitler to.

This review critiques Second Editionby inserting comments after each point in the transcript.It is beyond the scope of this critique to examinewhat the film does not address.For example, despite its considerable breadth,Loose Changemanages to miss many of the starkestanomalies of the official story,such as thetotal failure of the air defense networkand thethorough blasting of the Twin Towersto dust and metallic fragments.

We provide the9-11 Research Companion to Loose Change 2nd Editionto foster an understanding that, despite its many errors,the film raises questions that urgently demand serious scrutiny.We look to achieve three major objectives:

  • To help separate substantial claims about the attackfrom ones without merit
  • To provide additional resources for readers toexplore issues raised by the film
  • To help the producers of Loose Changeto make better future versions of their film

Comment by Zheka Chistov

Superb track!

Loose Change 2nd Edition Hd

Comment by Sourze

Thanks for uploading this! These beats influenced my life and inspired my music alot... melancholistic, minimal, paranoid sounds but great productions. Together with the documentary a awesome soundtrack. Lifetime respect to all the producers of these instrumentals!

Comment by Pasha Solecci

@steane: word

Comment by Pasha Solecci

this is the one

Comment by Pasha Solecci

amazing documentary with an amazing soundtrack!

Comment by ZFL

there it is

Loose Change 2nd Edition Recut

Comment by Malfunktion

Loose Change 2nd Edition Dvd

Love the instrumentals :) Been trying to bye this and the first edition but am having a bit of trouble finding it. So if you could help me out on this, that would be awesome. Just inbox me:) Cheers

Comment by Malfunktion

sick as :)

Comment by Malfunktion

Loose Change Movie Review

Really nice beats :)